"In an apocalyptic future, the world is a barren wasteland. Survivors strive to gain access to the City of Utopia.
However, to enter this safe haven, one must first amass credits in order to prove their worth. Credits that can only be collected from a very deadly foe..."
My final graduation film from Leeds Arts University. This short film was the most challenging project I'd attempted at the time. A sci-fi western film in which live action characters battle with CGI drones. I worked with many collaborators who helped me to make this film a reality. This was an incredibly fun and satisfying process, bringing in other people's specialties to create a better end result. This film allowed me to collect all the skills I have developed up to this point; writing, directing, cinematography, editing, animating, visual effects and compositing. I'm so proud of the end result. You can read through my university weekly blog by clicking here.